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I Will Tell You How Members Of Our Prestigious Online High Earners Club Are MAKING $5000- $10,000 Every Week by Reselling AI Course Centric Accounts To Their Clients.

With Full Funnel Privileges For Your Clients and Charge Them Monthly, Yearly or a One-Time High Fee..

Get An Official Ownership Rights To AI Course Centric, Create Unlimited Accounts

Exclusive Resell Right + 100% FREE Product Set-Up On Your JVZOo Account So You May Never Have To Worry About Making M0ney Online Again…

Watch How One of Our Beta-Users Made 6 Figure Profit With Resell Rights

37 TAKEN (13 LEFT)

Last Updated: 2 minutes ago

37/50 Sold Already Hurry Act Now

250 Reseller Licenses - $197 | 500 Reseller Licenses - $297 | Unlimited Reseller License - $397

Get Instant Access To AI Course Centric Reseller Now

HURRY! The Price Rises In:

ORDINARY Reseller License Vs. Our VIP  Reseller License

  • Accept Payments In Your Paypal or Stripe or Bank Account
  • We’ll take care of the support for all of your clients.
  • In Just One sale, your investment will be back, and anything else over it is your pure profit.

Here’s The HARD Truth That No One Else Is Telling You

There are 2 kinds of people online; Buyers and Sellers

Buyers will keep buying and jumping from one shiny object to the other.

Sellers keep getting an inflow of new leads, sales and profits. 

That’s why we’ve decided for the very first time to make this VIP Reseller license available so we can move you and other esteemed buyers of AI Course Centric to become a Seller On the JVZoo Marketplace.. (100% Done for you!)

If you do not sell or promote anything online that will create an exchange of cash or kind, you will not make money online. Period. So if you want to make money online, you must sell something

…Start Selling Something! That's exactly what we want to help you achieve today…


We want to work one-on-one with you and other 49 fast movers to set up our best selling AI Course Centric software in your own JVZoo account, we'll completely set it up for an automated delivery whenever someone buys from you.


This goes beyond the ordinary reseller license everyone is offering out there.. We will practically set up this funnel in your JVZoo account so it can start yielding money for you passively...

FACT: Software consistently sells because they’re real, definable products that offer solutions to people's problems. Fortunately, we're 100% ready to set up this complete AI Course Centric sales funnel for you. You have absolutely nothing to bother about. Just drive traffic to the sales website that will be set up for you and boom, you're going to always keep smiling at the bank.

Setup A Complete Business in 3 Simple Steps

And Earn Over 6 Figure Every Year Selling This Powerful App That Almost Everyone Online Craves For…

MAKE Easy Profits In 3 Easy Steps Using AI Course Centric Reseller

AI Course Centric Reseller:

Your Ticket To PURE Profits

We all know the most consistent, proven way to earn online is by selling your own products. 

Which is why the traditional “white label” offers are very common.

But if you want to make quick money – white label rights DO NOT help your cause…

… you’re forced to rebrand the product - which costs time & money - AND you lose any benefits of the product’s EXISTING branding & reputation.

To Make SERIOUS Money Selling Software,

You Need 3 Things:

Best Part? 

We HANDLE the Product Setup On Your JVZoo Account

And WE’LL HANDLE SUPPORT OF YOUR CLIENTS which makes it easy for you to Concentrate on Marketing, Sales & Making More Profits.

Note: This is a PRICELESS deal that gives you an opportunity to tap into the multi-million dollar product launch industry by becoming a SELLER on JVZoo.

Here’s A SIMPLE Profit Solution That Covers ALL The Bases:

AI Course Centric Reseller

  • The demand is unlimited - ask ANYONE if they’d like to make easy sales WITHOUT doing any work … you’ll get a strong YES
  • The technology behind AI Course Centric is brand-new, innovative, PROVEN to work … and there’s nothing else on the market that does what this does. 
  • We’ve spent tens of thousands on top-converting marketing materials AND branding to build a huge level of trust in the product.

Make WINDFALL Profits With Your

  • 1st - you get to leverage ALL our professionally designed AI Course Centric marketing materials - including the sales page, testimonials & banners + FREE JVZOO Seller Setup
  •  2nd - you can ‘piggyback’ on powerful AI Course Centric branding … we’ve invested thousands into promotional & retargeting ads to ‘warm-up’ audiences … so you’ll convert more prospects into buyers
  •  3rd - You Sell … We’ll Do The Rest - PROMISE We’ll deliver updates to your buyers.
  • We’ll handle customer support for you. Your ONLY job is to promote & take home the profits … the rest is covered for you.

Let Me Show You Multiple Profit Opportunities Staring At YOU TODAY


  • Promote across your social profiles, blogs, websites & video channels. Use your own AI Course Centric license to create profit-generating lead magnets
  • Add AI Course Centric as a funnel element to your existing offers or upcoming launches. Content marketing has universal appeal, so you can plug the software into practically ANY type of funnel to increase profits
  •  Private sales - if you’re already providing services to clients, just introduce them to the software and let the sales materials do the selling for you … watch clients THANK-YOU for introducing them to this game-changing Course Builder

Look At Our AI Course Centric Resellers Results...

Imagine how easy it is to sell This PowerPacked App and make quick money from it every week

Clients have paid us $5400 for a AI Course Centric Reseller account due to our monopoly in the Market.

Let’s See What Is Exactly Included In The Offer…

Sell AI Course Centric And Keep 100% of Profits

And We Have Saved

Use Our AI Course Centric Support Team

Our support desk is a team of highly talented and dedicated individuals who pride themselves in providing the highest standard of customer support in the market today.

They undergo intensive training so they know the product inside-out…

…that’s the reason they are able to provide solutions to most of the tickets (even the technical ones sometimes) on their own.

You sell AI Course Centric and keep all the money. We take care of the rest.

Let's See The True Value Of What You Are Getting Today

  • AI Course Centric Software - $29,891 (total development cost)
  • AI Course Centric Sales Page - $5,000 (paid to the copywriter)
  • AI Course Centric Sales Video - $2,500 (paid to the voice over artist and animation expert)
  • AI Course Centric Product setup and configuration in your JVZoo account - $2,997

That's $40,388 Already

But You Don’t Have To Pay For Any Of This.

That’s a mindblowing opportunity!


And you’re getting EVERYTHING you need to sell AI Course Centric.

Now Some BAD News

You Are Fully Protected With Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This is very simple I don’t like games, or scams.

I like honest marketing and honest customers.

If you upgrade to this upgrade and within 14 days you decide for WHATEVER reason to just stop.

Then I will refund you. This is on purpose so you can feel safe when using it knowing that if anything goes wrong -

you’re covered.

And, I know I have a higher chance of getting you to invest in the upgrade.

So let’s get you those crazy results and SWARM you with high paying clients :)

We have ONLY 50 AI Course Centric VIP Reseller License to release. We had to put a cap on the number of licenses. Because it’s going to take us a lot of time, energy and resources to completely set up the product in the beneficiary's JVZoo account and configure everything for automated delivery. 

Although we want AI Course Centric to reach as many as possible, we just can’t afford to compromise on the quality of support that we provide. So, we can’t keep adding more and more customers to our already pretty big list of customers at the end of this launch…

… especially when we are not charging ANY commissions or royalty fee on every copy you sell. All the money is yours to keep.

I just hope you aren’t too late. Once we run out of the 50 VIP Reseller Licenses, neither the Support Staff nor I can do anything…

… the system has been hard-coded to process ONLY 50 VIP Reseller orders.

AI Course Centric Reseller License - Here’s How:

I'll See You Inside

Yes Give Me DFY Campaigns

Yes, Help Me Skip All The Guesswork

No Thanks

No, I Don't Want Any Extra Easy Money

  • 6 Figure Profit With Reseller Rights Using This Money Machine Is Easy
  • First-of-its-kind FREE JVZoo Seller Setup
  • Use Our High Converting Sales Pages, Videos & Funnel
  •  Make Unlimited Sales With Our High Converting Material

The Best For The Last…

FREE Product Set-Up On Your JVZoo Account

We’re going to create this product in your account and list it in the JVZoo marketplace. 

So you can sell it and pocket 100% of the profits. We will duplicate our entire sales materials for you! We also handle SUPPORT!

Note: This is a PRICELESS service that gives you an opportunity to tap into the multi-million dollar product launch industry by becoming a SELLER on JVZoo.

Use Our Sales Page Or Create Your Own

We have used a seasoned 7-figure copywriter to write the Sales Page you saw when you bought AI Course Centric. 

We wanted to make sure that our CUSTOMERS fully understand ALL the benefits and features and realize the REAL power of this tool.

And we would like you to do the same when you offer AI Course Centric to your customers.

So, with the Reseller License, you get the AI Course Centric Sales Page at no extra cost.

Use Our Sales Video

A sales video is NO ordinary video. Just like the sales page…this MUST be really professional. 

Most customers don’t like to waste time reading the entire page and prefer to watch the video first. If they like what they see and hear…ONLY then they scroll down – else they simply leave to never return.

The quality of the video that we have used is again top-notch and very professional.

We didn’t want a sloppy video to ruin the experience for our customers.

Use the video to tell your customers everything about AI Course Centric…WITHOUT of course paying for it.

Use our Walkthrough Video

The walkthrough video that you saw on the sales page was prepared by a team of developers, designers and marketers to show the full power of AI Course Centric.

Use our walkthrough video to show your customers the simplicity and class of AI Course Centric

Sell the AI Course Centric software and keep 100% of the profit

Leverage our top-converting sales & marketing materials

Unlimited, untapped market where you can set your own price

A product that has huge demand and solves a genuine need in the market

New technology or a unique point of difference - so you can offer something that hasn’t been seen before

Proven marketing materials and built-in branding … so prospects are MUCH MORE likely to buy

250 Reseller Licenses - $197 | 500 Reseller Licenses $297 | Unlimited Reseller Licenses - $397

HURRY! The Price Rises In:

37 TAKEN (13 LEFT)

Last Updated: 2 minutes ago

37/50 Sold Already Hurry Act Now

250 Reseller Licenses - $197 | 500 Reseller Licenses $297 | Unlimited Reseller License - $297

Get Instant Access To AI Course Centric Reseller Now

HURRY! The Price Rises In:

37 TAKEN (13 LEFT)

Last Updated: 2 minutes ago

37/50 Sold Already Hurry Act Now

250 Reseller Licenses - $197 | 500 Reseller Licenses - $297 | Unlimited Reseller Licenses - $297

Get Instant Access To AI Course Centric Reseller Now

HURRY! The Price Rises In:

And Don’t Forget..

Ai CourseCentric Unlimited Reseller License - OTO6 - DS
  • You Just Become An Affiliate Of the Software
  • You Can’t Make A Name For Yourself Like Top Sellers On W+, JVZoo & Clickbank
  • Customers have to contact you to manually create an account for them after payment
  • You get sales materials and you’re left alone to figure out everything else.
  • ​Keep 100% Revenue
  • You’ll Become A Seller Of the Software With an Advantage of approving Affiliates to promote it for you
  • You’ll Automatically Become A Seller On JVZoo And Start Getting Buyers Leads To Scale Up Your Online Business
  • Your customers will get their login details automatically because our team of programmers will set up automated product delivery in your Warriorplus account and configure everything correctly.
  • We’re going to create this product in your account and list it in the JVZoo marketplace. So you can sell it and pocket 100% of the profits. We will duplicate our entire sales materials and host them in any preferred website of your choice where you want to be reselling AI Course Centric.
  • ​Keep 100% Revenue

37 TAKEN (13 LEFT)

Last Updated: 2 minutes ago

37/50 Sold Already Hurry Act Now

We Are Limiting THIS Offer To 50 Spots Available ONLY!

Ai CourseCentric 250 Reseller License - OTO6 - DS

250 Reseller License

Ai CourseCentric 500 Reseller License - OTO6 - DS

500 Reseller License

Ai CourseCentric Unlimited Reseller License - OTO6 - DS

Unlimited Reseller License

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